The Shape of Crime To Come – Electronic Pickpockets

OK, this is not a Los Angeles story, yet.

Memphis, TN’s WREG Channel 3 News investigative journalist Scott Noll has broken this chilling story on his “On Your Side Investigators”  news segment.

WREG’s On Your Side Investigators took RFID Security Expert Walt Augustinowicz of Identity Stronghold for a leisurely stroll down Beale Street in Memphis.

Armed with an inconspicuous card reader and notebook PC, Augustinowicz was easily able to read the credit card numbers and expiration dates of credit cards in passerby’s wallets and purses. It’s frighteningly easy to be electronically pickpocketed, and it looks like this new RFID technology has some major security flaws.

Just imagine a crowed LA Mall amid the pre-Christmas shopping crush, and an inconspicuous man or woman with a concealed card reader, and we’ll have an identity theft and credit card fraud nightmare on our hands.

Thanks to WREG’s On Your Side Investigator Scott Noll for breaking this important story.

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Likely Darwin Award Winner Harold Smith Does Us All A Favor

The Beverly Hills murder mystery surrounding the death of 64 year old Hollywood publicist Ronni Chasen, took an unexpected turn this week when Harold Smith, a 37 year old convicted felon blew whatever brains he had out just as Beverly Hills Police were about to question him.

Career criminal and general waste of space Harold Smith who did us all a favor by killing himself (credit Daily Mail UK)

Smith was described by Beverly Hills Police as a “person of interest” after they followed up on a tip received by America’s Most Wanted that Smith had bragged about his involvement in the slaying of Chasen.

The UK Daily Mail has some excellent reportage on the current status of the ongoing investigation into Chasen’s death, as well as some insight into the pathetic existence of Harold Smith, who probably had no connection whatsoever to the death of Chasen.

Viz magazine regularly features "Big Vern" a smalltime crook who "Tops himself" whenever questioned by the police.

Readers familiar with the satirical British publication “Viz” will immediately recognize Smith’s actions as analogous to those of “Big Vern,” a cartoon character who routinely “Tops hisself” rather than be taken alive by the police.

Detectives at Beverly Hills Police Department could not confirm whether Smith had ever read Viz magazine or was familiar with Big Vern. However, sources close to the investigation believe Smith may have viewed Viz online and have identified with Big Vern.

Smith’s last stand at the seedy Harold Apartments in Hollywood did everyone a huge favor. There is now one less piece of human garbage to clog up the criminal justice system.

California’s prison overcrowding could easily be solved if more criminals like Smith “topped” themselves when confronted by the police. Perhaps California’s newly elected Attorney General, Kamala Harris, should develop a program whereby more institutionalized career criminals could be surreptitiously encouraged to follow the example set by Smith by supplying inmates with a free subscription to Viz? Just a suggestion…

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Brown Calls For Action – Nobody Shows Up!

Jerry Brown's "Call For Action" in Downtown Los Angeles was so poorly attended the LA Times burried their report

If the turnout for Jerry Brown’s ‘Rally For Action’ at the Central Library in Downtown Los Angeles today, is any indication of the true level of support for Jerry Brown, Barbara Boxer and a host of Democrat hopefuls, then Jerry’s headed into retirement, and we can all call Barbara Boxer ‘M’am’ without incurring her wrath.

According to an email from former Los Angeles City Attorney Candidate David Berger, there were “more candidates, elected officials, media and staffers than supporters.” Berger said he stumbled upon the sparsely attended “Rally” by chance as he was walking to his office from a meeting. “I saw about 6 media vans outside the Central Library and wondered what was going on,” Berger said. “When I found out it was a Rally for Jerry Brown I was shocked at how few people were there, perhaps 150 at most, and most of them looked like they were campaign workers.”

Berger opined that “there may have been around 20 or 30 supporters, but I think a few of them were Japanese tourists.” Berger commented that the tourists took photos but were not sure of the nature of the event. “I told them it was a celebration for a new Starbucks opening up, and they nodded enthusiastically.” Berger said.

At around 2pm the LA Slimes checked the Los Angeles Times “L.A. NOW” news blog, and found a report indicating that there was a “Boisterous Rally” for Jerry Brown and other Democrat candidates, and that there was “a crowd of roughly 200” outside the Central Library. Curiously, when we went back to the LA Times, the story had vanished from their “Breaking News L.A. NOW news blog, perhaps because of the obviously embarrassingly low turnout. After much searching we later found the story buried in the PolitiCal Section.

If there is a grain of truth in the LA Times’ use of the word “boisterous” it might relate to Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. Never one to miss a good photo op, according to Berger, he “made a complete fool of himself” screaming ‘Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!’ while everyone else “appeared quite nonplussed and mumbled support. It was painful.” Berger said.

We are not ones for conspiracy theories, but it really does look like the LA Times choose to bury a story that does not fit the manipulated polls showing Brown and Boxer so far ahead of  Republican challengers Whitman and Fiorina.

Winning Los Angeles is crucial for any candidate, and if the turnout today is indicative of the true level of support for Brown, Boxer and the rest, then tomorrow’s election could mean a very bleak future for Democrats, and perhaps some awkward questions about how much we can trust those who deliver opinion polls.

Brown's Rally was well publiciized on his campaign website, yet few turned up.

Voting starts at 8:00am tomorrow, Tuesday, November 2, 2010. First results are expected at around 8:05pm when the count of mail-in ballots are typically released.

Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley, the centrist Republican candidate for Attorney General, is widely expected to do well in the mail-in ballots, as his opponent, San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris could not afford to start her attack-ad campaign in earnest until last week.

Harris, who boasts of herself as the “Female Obama” has apparently closed the gap to Cooley in the last few days, but few take her seriously as an Attorney General given the numerous scandals that point to her ineptitude and lack of comprehension of complex legal issues, like the constitutional requirement to turn over evidence to the defense.

Posted in Attorney General, District Attorney, Los Angeles, November 2010 Election, Politics | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

TraitorGate – Boxer & Waxman “Under Fire”



Buzz Patterson identifies Barbara Boxer & Henry Waxman as central to ensuring $600k in cash was delivered to insugents to kill US Servicemen in Fallujah, Iraq (credit What Would Reagan Do? Blog)


Conservative Blog ‘What Would Reagan Do?” published the following:

Shocking revelations in the Daily Caller today disclose that Senator Barbara Boxer and  Congressman Henry Waxman both provided diplomatic facilities to enable “radical antiwar activists” to “cross the Iraqi-Jordanian border in order to deliver aid to families of enemy insurgents in the war-ridden Iraqi city of Fallujah” according to an op-ed article written by political advisor and commentator Chris Garcia.

Garcia cited Robert “Buzz” Patterson’s new book, ‘Conduct Unbecoming‘ as the source of the dynamite allegations that Boxer and Waxman were central to ensuring that the anti-war activists would be able to complete their mission. In his book Patterson claims that the anti-war activists “delivered more than $600,000 in cash” to the insurgents in Fallujah in December 2004.

The delivery of aid and comfort by the US anti-war activists was hailed by Islam Online, who noted that “had it not been for the help of the two congressmen” the ‘aid’ would not “have been seen the light due to obstacles laid by the Pentagon.”

There is no doubt whatsoever that the damning allegations in Patterson’s book, coupled with Garcia’s op-ed today, will have been noticed by Boxer and Waxman. Their government-issued Blackberries were probably abuzz today with anxious questions from democrats who must be shocked, disappointed and disgusted at the roles played by Boxer and Waxman in the betrayal of those brave US Servicemen who perished in the service of their country.

Is it coincidental, then, that the Islam Online article:

that hailed Boxer and Waxman as instrumental in thwarting Pentagon efforts to deny aid and comfort to the enemy in 2005, and that was still viewable online yesterday, was somehow unavailable today?

For full details, go to “What Would Reagan Do?


Posted in November 2010 Election, Politics, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Jerry Brown will not apologize for calling Meg Whitman a “Whore”

“She’s, she’s a whore!” “Well I’m going to use that!” Those are the words that continue to dog Jerry Brown’s campaign to be the next governor of California.

They come from Brown’s fumbled attempt to leave a voice mail message seeking an endorsement from a union leader. Although it is clear that Brown said “Well I’m going to use that!” Steven Glazer, the Brown campaign spokeshole, attributes the “She’s, shes a whore!” comment to an un-named campaign worker.

While the Brown campaign has issued an apology for what Steven Glazer calls “salty” language, Jerry Brown has not personally taken responsibility either for calling Meg Whitman a whore, or for expressing a willingness to use that terminology by saying “Well I’m going to use that!”

Many see the use of the term “whore” as not only slur not only on his opponent, Meg Whitman, but reflective of the way some older males like Brown still tend to regard women who achieve success in the workplace.

Brown, who is at least 72, grew up at a time when male attitudes towards women were consistent with the use of the term “whore” as parodied by the popular AMC series, “Mad Men.”

Posted in November 2010 Election, Politics | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Help Nicky Diaz!


Nicky Diaz Needs Your Help. Will you be as heartless as Meg Whitman and say "No?"


The heart wrenching story of rags to riches housekeeper Nicky Diaz has captured the hearts of Americans. The Los Angeles Slimes is proud to offer its readers the chance to help Nicky Diaz in the difficult times ahead, as she waits for the big payoff she’s been promised.

Please click here or on the ‘Help Nicky Diaz’ tab above to express your support, love and encouragement for  Nicky and her family. The more money you send to her, the more she will know how much you care.

If you are an illegal alien like Nicky and you have not opened a bank account here in America with forged documents, like Nicky has, you can also go to Western Union and send money to Nicky there.

You can also express your support for Nicky by participating in our poll at the bottom of this page.

El relato desgarrador de la pobreza a la riqueza ama de llaves Nicky Díaz ha capturado los corazones de los estadounidenses. El diario Los Angeles Slimes se enorgullece de ofrecer a sus lectores la oportunidad de ayudar a Nicky Díaz en los tiempos difíciles en el futuro, mientras espera la gran recompensa que ha prometido.

Por favor haga clic aquí o en la pestaña “Ayuda Nicky Díaz arriba para expresar su apoyo, amor y aliento a Nicky y su familia. Cuanto más dinero que usted envíe a ella, más se sabrá cuánto te importa.

Si usted es un extranjero ilegal como Nicky y no se ha abierto una cuenta bancaria aquí en Estados Unidos con documentos falsos, al igual que Nicky tiene, usted también puede ir a Western Union y enviar dinero a Nicky allí.

También puede expresar su apoyo a Nicky al participar en nuestra encuesta en la parte inferior de esta página.

Posted in Crime, General, Los Angeles, November 2010 Election, Politics | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

It’s Deja Vu All Over Again – Allred’s Stunt Is Nothing New

While the LA Slimes exclusively revealed the rumor of a big pay day for Meg Whitman’s former housekeeper, Nicky Diaz, others in the media were equally dubious of the story of hardship at $23/hr that Nicky Diaz was spinning through her attorney, Gloria Allred.


Gloria Allred parades Rhonda Miller to the media to hawk a story that Miller was "groped" by Governor Schwarzenegger


Well “thank you” America for a free press and a strong First Amendment that allows shady shenanigans to be revealed for what they really are.

Thanks to some truly excellent research by talk show host Hugh Hewitt, even more doubt was cast as to the credibility of both attorney Gloria Allred, and her client. It seems that Gloria Allred has pulled pre-election stunts like the Nicky Diaz stunt before.

Last time it was when Arnold  Schwarzenegger was running for governor.  Amid a flurry of press conference (sounds familiar?) Allred paraded a stunt-actor called Rhonda Miller to the media with claims that Rhonda Miller had been mistreated by Schwarzenegger (sounds familiar?)

Do take a moment to listen to Hugh Hewitt’s excellent interview of Allred, and note Allred’s evasiveness when Hewitt makes the point that the Rhonda Miller case was thrown out of court.

So, is the Nicky Diaz case simply a baseless and contrived frivolous lawsuit orchestrated by Gloria Allred simply to help a fellow democrat and perhaps position herself for a role in Jerry Brown’s administration?

If Nicky’s rumored Puerto Vallarta job and Univision reality tv show are true, this time Allred stands to make a tidy sum as well as helping Jerry Brown.

Jay Leno had an interesting suggestion in terms of what to do with Allred:

Posted in Crime, General, November 2010 Election, Politics | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Rags to Riches Rumored for Naughty Nicky

Rumors are rife that a deal has been brokered to guarantee a rosy future for Nicky Diaz, the illegal alien housekeeper who accused California gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman of employing her for nine years and then refusing to “help” when confronted with her illegal status.

Nicky Diaz and Los Angeles Attorney Gloria Allred

Diaz was fired by Whitman in June 2009, after admitting that she was an “illegal” and had lied in her job application using a forged driver license and social security card.

Nicky's Forged Driver License and Social Security Card

According to Nicky’s attorney, Gloria Allred, Diaz had been unable to find work, and was depressed and desperate.
Allred stated that Diaz had asked Meg Whitman for “help” in becoming a legal citizen, however, Allred refused to answer questions as to exactly what type of “help” was legally available.

Immigration law experts have opined that a person in the same position as Diaz (who cannot claim asylum based on a threat to her life), has only one option; return to Mexico and apply for residency, a process that takes time and money, neither of which Diaz had since losing her $23/hour job as Whitman’s housekeeper.

Although there is no doubt that Whitman, the billionaire former eBay CEO, could have paid Diaz, Allred made it clear that Whitman had refused to do so. Diaz, it seems, had no choice but to go public with her story, no doubt in the hope that the considerable embarrassment and disruption to Meg Whitman’s campaign would be appreciated by democrats who are supporting Whitman’s main rival, Jerry Brown.

Rumors now circulating indicate that a wealthy democrat fundraiser has indeed agreed to pay Nicky a lump sum of $50,000 to help with her moving costs, and employ her as a housekeeper at a luxurious Puerto Vallarta villa. The resort, known as the Mexican millionaires paradise, has become popular with wealthy Americans because it offers the privacy and luxury not easily available in the US, as well as private security to insulate residents from the Mexican drug cartels that often prey on visitors.


Million Dollar Mansion Size Villa In Puerto Vallarta

Puerto Vallarta Villa at Night

The kind of luxury villa that will become home to Nicky and her husband Jesus Santillan and their two children is located in one of the most exclusive parts of Puerto Vallarta and features at least:
▪    3 bedrooms with ocean views,
▪    separate guest cottage which can be used as staff quarters,
▪    an infinity swimming pool and jacuzzi,
▪    two car garage,
▪    satellite tv, and,
▪    a security system.

Infinity Swimming Pool with Ocean View

It is not clear whether Diaz will continue to be paid the $23/hour she earned working for Whitman, however, as most Mexican workers with Diaz’s skill set do not make $23 a week, she will be unlikely to complain of the pay or the hours, as was the case with Whitman.

At around 4,000 square feet, this type of villa is slightly larger than the 3,700 sq.ft. Whitman residence where Diaz worked, however, as owners of these villas only stay there occasionally (usually for long weekends), Diaz will have a lot of time to herself and her family to enjoy their new lifestyle.

One big difference for Diaz will be the kind of visitors she will find herself serving. Villas in this area are frequently used for highly private visits from persons such as former US President Bill Clinton and Irish music millionaire Bono of U2, as well as other important figures in the entertainment industry and financial markets.

Diaz will have to adapt to driving more expensive and luxurious cars when ferrying her new boss and his guests to and from the airport, or running errands. Her old Ford Aerostar Minivan will seem a lifetime away from the Cadillac Escalade EXT typically favored by Puerto Vallarta’s elite.

Tennis pro Anna Kournikova (above) drives a Cadillac Escalade EXT, and the vehicle is a popular choice for other celebrities in the resort.

Because the otherwise fairly mundane story of one as many as 12 million illegal aliens believed to be living in the US has become a national, if not international news event, Nicky and Jesus are highly likely to become celebrities in their own right in Mexico.

This could prompt with Mexican language TV stations like Univision to offer them their own reality tv show.

Producers are probably already pitching the idea of a show based around the hardships and obstacles that Nick and Jesus will face as they adapt to their return to Mexico as heroes having scored big in the American dream that inspires so many to cross the border in search of the good life. The payoff for Nicky could be huge, allowing her to earn enough to own her own villa and leave the life of servitude forever.

Nicky and Jesus are most likely excited and optimistic regarding their new found fortune and lifestyle amongst the liberal elite who can afford a standard of living far beyond the hopes of many. There is also a deeply appreciation for the way Nicky’s story moved millions of Americans to better understand the exploitation of illegal immigrants in “the land of the free.”

But above all else must be the service Nicky and her attorney have done for Jerry Brown’s campaign, and should Brown win the November election, Jerry is certain not to forget the help they’ve given his campaign, and a lavish party in Nicky’s honor would be a fitting ‘thank you’ for her service.

News of Nicky and Jesus’s new fortune is virtually guaranteed to keep the story alive in the final weeks of the election, and is therefore likely to achieve even more coverage than her first news conference. It certainly has been a week of remarkable turnarounds in fortune for Nicky, Jesus and Jerry.

Posted in Crime, Los Angeles, November 2010 Election, Politics | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Is Jerry Brown Chicken?

Los Angeles based Talk Show hosts KFI AM640’s John and Ken, who have the largest radio audience in the hotly contested afternoon drive time slot, have been challenging Gubernatorial Candidate Jerry Brown to come on their show and answer questions about his candidacy.

Brown’s main rival, Meg Whitman, had initially declined the offer of some free air time in the hottest radio market, but she eventually went on the show. It’s been over 40 days now since Jerry Brown was extended that same offer, and despite a concerted effort by listeners and Prinz von Anhalt, Brown has declined to subject himself to the kind of questions that Los Angelenos want answered.

For the past week or so, John and Ken have posed the question “Is Jerry Brown a chicken?” and have encouraged listeners to send a chicken to Jerry in the hope that he might ‘man up’ and face the music.

KFI listener, David Berger (former Los Angeles City Attorney candidate), had a better idea. Instead of sending Jerry Brown a chicken, he sent Brown a suggestion for a new Los Angeles campaign headquarters.

Suggestion for Jerry Brown's Los Angeles Campaign Headquarters

Berger’s suggestion is apparently based on a chicken shop that he saw as he was driving home listening to the John and Ken Show. Berger photographed the shop and then ‘Photoshopped’ it to  produce the image above. Here’s the shop as it currently appears at 121 N. Virgil Ave., Los Angeles 90004:

L.A. Fresh Poultry, 121 N. Virgil Avenue, Los Angeles 90004

Berger sent us the following copy of the email he sent to the Jerry Brown campaign:

Hi Jerry,

I thought you should open up a Los Angeles campaign HQ as there are a lot of voters in LA who need to know a little more about you, and what you really stand for. I have found the perfect location for you too; a chicken shop. It’s a perfect fit for you and all it will need is a few signs and Los Angelenos will instantly know what you’re all about.

You see Jerry (I hope you don’t mind me calling you ‘Jerry’) there’s a lot of us in law enforcement that are very worried that, as governor, you’ll appoint a bunch of liberal nut -job judges like Rose Bird who you appointed in the 1970’s. Do you remember some of the whacky rulings that she came up with? Under Rose Bird, cops couldn’t search trash bins, never mind criminal suspects.

Also, with California’s prison population costing us billions thanks to sweetheart deals with the prison officers union, will your solution be to open the prison gates and let out even more ‘non-violent’ criminals like the guy who killed Lily Burke?

Also, as a homeowner, I am really worried that you will move heaven and earth to overturn Prop 13, causing our property taxes to rise to the point where I would have to sell my home as I can’t afford “Jerry’s New Taxes.” Only problem is there will be millions of other homeowners in the same boat, and millions of other houses on the market for the same reason, so property prices will plummet. I won’t be able to sell my home and I won’t be able to pay your taxes. So what will I do?

Perhaps I should quit law enforcement and open a marijuana shop? Where do you stand on Prop 19? Are you in favor of allowing California to become the battleground for the kind of territorial violence that we see south of the border where the Mexican drug cartels fight for control of marijuana distribution? Do you seriously think that Californian grown weed will be able to compete with cheap Mexican dope? Isn’t it more likely that this so-called legalization will simply expand the market for Mexican marijuana?

Those are sorts of concerns I have, and I dare say they’re the same concerns of many other Los Angelenos. You seem to be a tax and spend kinda guy, and not to bright when it comes to finding solutions to our budgetary crisis.

As you seem so determined not to take advantage of an offer of free air time on the leading talk show with the largest drive time radio audience in Los Angeles, I have to wonder how ‘fiscally responsible’ you really are?

By turning down John and Ken’s offer, you are not only showing us what a chicken you are, but that you really cannot be trusted with our state’s perilous finances.

So, why don’t you go down to 121 N. Virgil Avenue, Los Angeles 90004 and have a chat with the owner of “LA Fresh Poultry” and see if you can lease the store for the rest of your camp pain? There’s a sign on the gate that says they take food stamps, so I don’t think the rent will be too much. Oh, but you might also want to take a Spanish language interpreter with you, I don’t think they speak English there.

Meg Whitman has my vote at the moment, because even if I don’t agree with everything she stands for, at least she had the guts to go on the John and Ken Show and have her policies and positions opened up to some scrutiny. So Jerry, why don’t you grow a pair and grab yourself some free air time and answer the questions that need to be asked and answered?

Very truly yours,

David Berger
Former Los Angeles City Attorney Candidate 2009

So, is Jerry Brown a chicken for refusing to be interviewed by John and Ken?

Posted in Attorney General, Crime, General, Los Angeles, November 2010 Election, Politics | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Cooley Crushes City Corruption – 8 Arrested in Bell City Sallarygate Scandal

Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley today announced the arrest of 8 persons believed to be involved in an alleged $5.5M misappropriation of funds scandal. The 8 arrested are both current and former City of Bell officials.

Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley Announces Arrest of Bell City Officials

Cooley, a candidate for California Attorney General in the November 2010 General Election, denied that the arrests were in any way connected to his political campaign.

The Bell City 8 includes former City Manager Robert Rizzo

In sharp contrast, and frankly bordering on the comedic, Cooley’s opponent in the November election, San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris, a liberal democrat, also made an announcement to the press; she was going to prosecute a couple of ‘street people’ for selling transfer tickets for San Francisco’s mass transit system. “This is not a victimless crime,” Harris said in a statement to the San Francisco Examiner.

Harris Has The Lowest Conviction Rate of Any Major California City

Hopefully, Ms. Harris will have more success prosecuting fare dodgers than murderers. The San Francisco Weekly recently reported that Harris has the lowest conviction rate of any major California City – 55%, which stands in contrast to the Los Angeles District Attorney’s conviction rate of 93%.

With six weeks to election day, today’s announcements lends further support for the poll figures showing Steve Cooley to be the likely winner in the bid for Attorney General, and based on the contrasts in their attitudes toward law enforcement, it’s not really surprising; fare dodgers or five and a half million dollar fraudsters. Who do you want as Attorney General?

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